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Sligo University Hospital Herb Garden Project

Sector: Food
Format: Case Studies


Sligo University Hospital Herb Garden Project

Dietary restrictions play a vital role in the successful long-term management of chronic kidney disease. Reducing salt intake is particularly important for the management of high blood pressure. Fresh herbs are a wonderful way of boosting the natural flavour of…

Sustainability Posters 2023

Sector: Waste Prevention
Format: Graphics


Sustainability Posters 2023

In a bustling healthcare environment, every action has the potential to contribute to a healthier planet. These posters encapsulate the essence of mindful living within the healthcare sector, empowering HSE employees to take small yet impactful steps toward a greener,…

Reusable Coffee Cups in Irish Hospitals

Sector: Waste Prevention
Format: Case Studies


Reusable Coffee Cups in Irish Hospitals

Irish hospitals are taking a sustainable step by eliminating disposable coffee cups from their premises. Several hospitals across the country, including Mercy University Hospital in Cork and Connolly Hospital in Blanchardstown, have implemented systems that introduce reusable coffee cups in…

Clinical Waste Poster

Sector: Risk Waste
Format: Graphics


Clinical Waste Poster

The Clinical Waste poster is a visual nudge towards collective responsibility, urging each viewer to become an active participant in maintaining a safe and healthy environment. This compact poster serves as an essential reminder for healthcare professionals, support staff, and…

Check The Bin! Posters

Sector: Recycling
Format: Graphics


Check The Bin! Posters

Bold and easy-to-read posters such as "Recycling," "General Waste," and "Organic Waste" accompany each waste item, guiding the viewer on the ideal destination for each type of waste. The posters can be downloaded here:

Bin Labels

Sector: Recycling
Format: Graphics


Bin Labels

These thoughtfully crafted labels are a vital addition to any environment, empowering everyone to make informed choices when it comes to waste disposal. The labels can be downloaded here:

Bin it Right!

Sector: Recycling
Format: Graphics


Bin it Right!

This visually engaging and informative piece serves as a friendly guide to help individuals make conscious choices when it comes to waste disposal. The guide can be downloaded here:

Water and Energy savings through CUH Shower Retrofit

Sector: Water
Format: Case Studies


Water and Energy savings through CUH Shower Retrofit

Sligo Tap Retrofit - Saving Water and Energy

Sector: Water
Format: Case Studies


Sligo Tap Retrofit - Saving Water and Energy

List of best practices to reduce healthcare risk waste

Format: Guide


List of best practices to reduce healthcare risk waste

A list of best practices seen in Irish hospitals in terms of measures to reduce healthcare risk waste amounts and increase recycling

Green Healthcare Program Promo Video

Sector: Recycling
Format: Video


Green Healthcare Program Promo Video

The Green Healthcare (GHC) Program works with Irish hospitals to Conserve Water, Reduce Healthcare Risk Waste, Reduce Food Waste, and Increase Recycling. A promo video of the GHC could be watched here:  

Think Reusable Video

Sector: Waste Prevention
Format: Video


Think Reusable Video

Through compelling imagery and thought-provoking messages, the poster inspires individuals to make a conscious shift towards reusability, transforming the workplace into a hub of eco-conscious decisions. The video is available here: