Pump replacement project Cloonamahon Sligo

Sector: Energy
Format: Case Studies


Pump replacement project Cloonamahon Sligo

Pump replacement project at Cloonamahon Sligo reduces electricity use by 11%.

Energy awareness for staff

Sector: Energy
Format: Case Studies


Energy awareness for staff

A showcase of energy awareness events for staff.

Stewart's Care energy improvements

Sector: Energy
Format: Case Studies


Stewart's Care energy improvements

Stewart's Care energy improvements including fabric upgrades, lighting, metering, and solar PV.

Cappagh Hospital’s road to decarbonisation

Sector: Energy
Format: Case Studies


Cappagh Hospital’s road to decarbonisation

Cappagh Hospital’s road to decarbonisation, with metering, lighting, TRVs, pump replacement, and staff awareness.

Metering project for Significant Energy Users

Sector: Energy
Format: Case Studies


Metering project for Significant Energy Users

A metering project to improve energy use tracking at the 131 significant energy users, which together consume over 80% of all HSE energy.

Naas Ambulance Base energy improvements

Sector: Energy
Format: Case Studies


Naas Ambulance Base energy improvements

Solar energy, lighting upgrades, and behavioural change initiatives at Naas Ambulance Base.