The Green Healthcare Programme has published many useful documents, making them freely available to all Irish hospitals.
This is in addition to the direct advice and assistance given to all the participating hospitals within the programme.
These resources are based on proven methodologies developed over several years to lower costs and reduce waste in many Irish hospitals.
Several more are currently in production.
These guidance documents include:
Case Studies:
- Case Study Cork University Hospital: Maximising recycling and minimising healthcare risk waste in the theatre
- Case Study St. Vincent’s Private Hospital: Clinical Waste Reduction in Isolation Rooms and other areas
- Case Study Midlands Regional Hospital, Tullamore: Minimising Healthcare Risk Waste Reduction and Maximising Recycling in Theatre
- Case Study Temple Street Children’s University Hospital: Waste Minimisation Programme
- Case Study University Hospital Galway: Waste Prevention Programme
- Case Study Mayo General Hospital: Food Waste Prevention in Mayo General Hospital
- Case Study Temple Street Children’s University Hospital: Food Waste Minimisation Programme
- Case Study St. Michael’s Hospital: Food Waste Prevention Programme Overview
- Case Study University Hospital Galway: Food Waste Prevention Programme
Best Practice Guides:
- Best Practice Guide on Healthcare Risk Waste Reduction
- Best Practice Guide on Healthcare Risk Waste Reduction in Theatre
- Best Practice Guide on Food Waste Reduction
- Best Practice on Maximising Recycling and Reducing Landfill
- Best Practice on Bin Placement
How to Guides:
- How-To Set Up a Waste Prevention and Improvement Programme
- How-To Set Up a Waste Prevention and Improvement Programme – Benchmarks & Savings Worksheet (Acute hospital)
- How-To Set Up a Waste Prevention and Improvement Programme – Benchmarks & Savings Worksheet (PCCC facility)
- How-To Assess Overall Food Waste
- How-To Undertake a Detailed Food Waste Survey – Plated System
- How-To Undertake a Detailed Food Waste Survey – Bulk System
- How-To Undertake a Detailed Food Waste Survey – food waste calculator
- How-To Undertake a Bin Placement Survey
- How-To Undertake a Detailed Waste Survey
- How-To Undertake a Detailed Waste Survey – weight record sheet
- How-To Undertake a Detailed Waste Survey – waste composition sheet
- How-To Undertake a Detailed Waste Survey – waste composition calculation calculator
- Factsheet on Healthcare Risk Waste
- Factsheet on Food Waste in Irish Hospitals
- Factsheet on General Landfill Waste
We have combined the individual guidance documents into two booklets; one for Food Waste and one for Landfill, Recycling an Healthcare Risk Waste (HCRW). To download these documents click on the images below.