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Part 2: Investigating the Water Used On-Site

Sector: Training


Part 2: Investigating the Water Used On-Site

This video covers topics such as: Daily Use Profile, Sub-Metering and Survey of main Water Users  

Part 1: Measuring and Monitoring Water Use

Sector: Training
Format: Video


Part 1: Measuring and Monitoring Water Use

This video's topics include: Water Paid For, Water Used, Best practices and How to Develop a Water Conservation Action Plan  

Introductory Workshop to Water Conservation (1 hour)

Sector: Training
Format: Guide


Introductory Workshop to Water Conservation (1 hour)

Overall aim: a non-technical introduction to the overall aims and actions involved in a water conservation programme  

Compostable Aprons - a product pilot

Format: Guide


Compostable Aprons - a product pilot

A case study on a compostable apron product pilot from Health Innovation Hub Ireland (HIHI). Developed by HaPPE Earth, the HaPPE Apron is made from compostable material instead of the usual plastic (low-density polyethylene, LDPE) for healthcare aprons. Initial calculations…

Community Hospitals Booklet 2023

Sector: Waste Prevention
Format: Guide


Community Hospitals Booklet 2023

The HSE Capital & Estates Climate Action & Sustainability Office focuses on cutting emissions from Health Service buildings and supporting climate action goals. This program, funded by HSE Capital & Estates, partners with Irish hospitals to enhance sustainability by addressing…

Think Reusable Posters

Sector: Waste Prevention
Format: Graphics


Think Reusable Posters

These eye-catching visual masterpieces serve as a gentle yet persuasive reminder to all employees about the profound impact their choices can have on waste reduction and environmental preservation. The posters could be downloaded here:

Sligo University Hospital Herb Garden Project

Sector: Food
Format: Case Studies


Sligo University Hospital Herb Garden Project

Dietary restrictions play a vital role in the successful long-term management of chronic kidney disease. Reducing salt intake is particularly important for the management of high blood pressure. Fresh herbs are a wonderful way of boosting the natural flavour of…

Sustainability Posters 2023

Sector: Waste Prevention
Format: Graphics


Sustainability Posters 2023

In a bustling healthcare environment, every action has the potential to contribute to a healthier planet. These posters encapsulate the essence of mindful living within the healthcare sector, empowering HSE employees to take small yet impactful steps toward a greener,…

Reusable Coffee Cups in Irish Hospitals

Sector: Waste Prevention
Format: Case Studies


Reusable Coffee Cups in Irish Hospitals

Irish hospitals are taking a sustainable step by eliminating disposable coffee cups from their premises. Several hospitals across the country, including Mercy University Hospital in Cork and Connolly Hospital in Blanchardstown, have implemented systems that introduce reusable coffee cups in…

Clinical Waste Poster

Sector: Risk Waste
Format: Graphics


Clinical Waste Poster

The Clinical Waste poster is a visual nudge towards collective responsibility, urging each viewer to become an active participant in maintaining a safe and healthy environment. This compact poster serves as an essential reminder for healthcare professionals, support staff, and…

Check The Bin! Posters

Sector: Recycling
Format: Graphics


Check The Bin! Posters

Bold and easy-to-read posters such as "Recycling," "General Waste," and "Organic Waste" accompany each waste item, guiding the viewer on the ideal destination for each type of waste. The posters can be downloaded here:

Bin Labels

Sector: Recycling
Format: Graphics


Bin Labels

These thoughtfully crafted labels are a vital addition to any environment, empowering everyone to make informed choices when it comes to waste disposal. The labels can be downloaded here: