theatre longThe Green Healthcare Programme has developed three best practice guides outlining how best Irish hospitals can reduce:

  • risk waste across their whole facilities;
  • risk waste in theatres; and
  • food waste.

These best practice guides provide detailed advice and assistance to hospitals in how to implement resource efficiency best practice using a step-by-step approach, describing the main issues of concern, the sources of the waste streams, the cost relating to risk and food waste disposal, and giving tips and hints in how to overcome obstacles.

These guides are (click to download):

Best Practice Guide on Healthcare Risk Waste Reduction

Best Practice Guide on Healthcare Risk Waste Reduction in Theatres

Best Practice on Food Waste Reduction

Best Practice on Maximising Recycling and Reducing Landfill

Best Practice on Bin Placement

Bin Signage – landfill, recycling, organic


Waste signage format based on an original design, developed and kindly provided, by the Southern Region Waste Management Office.