The Green Healthcare Programme (GHCP) has produced a Factsheet on Healthcare Risk Waste. This Factsheet is of great benefit to acute hospitals in Ireland and, if used correctly, could lead to significant efficiencies and financial savings across the healthcare system.

Click here to download the Factsheet.

The factsheet provides an outline of the healthcare risk waste generated in Irish acute hospitals:

  • where the healthcare risk waste is generated in the acute hospitals,
  • what is in healthcare risk waste, and
  • what savings can be made through better management of healthcare risk waste.

The information within this factcheet is based on the results of waste surveys carried out in over 50% of acute hospitals in Ireland.

It outlines what materials should and should not be disposed of as healthcare risk waste and the main sources in acute hospitals (60% of which is generated from in-patient wards, theatre, and labs). It also outlines the cost of incorrect disposal of non-risk waste in the risk waste stream and what was found to be contained in the risk waste bags during the surveys of over 50% of national acute facilities by the Green Healthcare team (click graphic to enlarge).


Click here to download the Factsheet.