Galway University Hospital (GUH) recently held and Environmental & Energy Awareness Day as part of European Waste Reduction Week. The event was organised by the hospital’s Environmental and Waste Management Co-ordinator, in partnership with Aramark Healthcare at UHG.
A primary focus of the day was to encourage staff and members of the public to become aware of energy consumption, to emphasise that simple changes in behaviour can quickly lead to a significant reduction in energy consumption and that by reducing the hospital energy consumption it is possible to achieve the twin benefits of saving money and reducing environmental impact. In addition Aramark retail staff provided useful advice on reducing food waste at home.
Michelle O’Dowd, Environmental and Waste Management Co-ordinator, GUH said, “The day was very successful. We provided information on a wide scope of topics including energy efficiency and conservation, tips on reducing food waste and home composing and ideas on how to reduce, re-use and recycle waste. I would like to thank all the visitors who came to our day and also GUH Energy Management Group, Aramark, Galway County Council, Green Healthcare Programme, the Office of Public Works and Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland for their support.
Well done to Michelle and all those involved in GUH.