The Green Healthcare Programme has produced a Case Study: Cork University Hospital – Maximising recycling and minimising healthcare risk waste in the theatre. This case study provides a very useful tool for acute hospitals in Ireland and shows how theatre waste can be reduced, savings can be made and resource efficiencies achieved.
Click here to download the Case Study.
Cork University Hospital (CUH) is one of the largest acute teaching hospitals in the country with 850 beds. The hospital provides a wide range of services including emergency medicine, general medicine and surgery, and oncology and radiotherapy services. CUH has 9 operating theatres with typically 60 to 80 procedures per week. CUH was one of the original participants in the Green Healthcare Programme (GHCP), with survey work undertaken in 2009 and 2010.
This case study outlines the key steps taken by the hospital to implement a successful waste minimisation and segregation programme in their theatre department, including:
- Commitment from management to the implementation of the programme
- Training and commitment of staff
- Clear identification of what can be placed in recycling bins
- Positioning of all waste bins
- Highlighting cost savings
It also outlines the results of the programme in CUH and the savings achieved there in comparison with the average theatre waste recycling in other GHCP acute facilities.