holds an annual week in June to highlight the issue of food waste. Segregating and reducing food waste is a key climate action that can be taken within healthcare facilities.
For National food waste recycling week 2024, the HSE’s Sustainable Infrastructure office is hosting an online webinar on 5th June showcasing two case studies on reducing food waste in Irish hospitals:
- Real Time Patient Food Ordering at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda, by Dolores Donegan, Programme Manager, RCSI Hospital Group.
- On-Site Food Waste Recycling in Sligo University Hospital, by Ann Marie MCGovern, Catering Manager, and Martin Casserly, Environmental & Waste Management Co-ordinator.
Wednesday 5th June – 2 pm to 3 pm. To register, please contact or click on this link.
Other activities and resources on food waste:
- Training is available on reducing food waste in healthcare, both online and in-person for catering staff.
- The HSE is required to reduce food waste by 50% by 2030 as a public sector obligation. See a guide to reducing food waste in healthcare.
- The EPA national food waste prevention roadmap includes actions on food waste prevention.
- For the EPA’s Food Waste Charter, organisations that sign up commit to tracking and reporting on food waste and taking action on reduction.
- A case study on Sligo University Hospital’s on-site composting machine for turning food waste into compost for use on-site in biodiversity activities.
- Bin stickers for bins to help food waste segregation.
- Posters to help segregate waste correctly, including for food waste into brown bins, are available.
- Various resources for work and home on including:
- Eating in season is a great way to reduce the overall environmental impact of what we eat – see the Stop Food Waste Seasonal calendar.
- The A – Z of food which sets out how to store, freeze and prepare all types of foods to help reduce food waste.