Think Before you Flush (Infographic Poster)

Sector: Water
Format: Guide


Think Before you Flush (Infographic Poster)

Infographic showing how flushing items such as wet wipes down the toilet can cause pipe blockages and damage our marine environment

Think Before You Pour (Poster)

Sector: Water
Format: Guide


Think Before You Pour (Poster)

Poster on how to prevent fats, oils and greases (FOGs) from damaging our wastewater network and environment.

The Dirty Dozen (POSTER)

Sector: Water
Format: Guide


The Dirty Dozen (POSTER)

When these items are flushed down the toilet they can cause problems in our homes, wastewater treatment network and the environment

An Dosaen Salach (The Dirty Dozen) - POSTER as Gaeilge

Sector: Water
Format: Guide


An Dosaen Salach (The Dirty Dozen) - POSTER as Gaeilge

Níor chóir na rudaí seo a shrughlú síos sa leithreas go brách

Water Efficiency Guide (2024)

Sector: Water
Format: Guide


Water Efficiency Guide (2024)

This Guide provides an overview of the main aspects involved in efficient water use in Irish hospitals. Including case studies and best practice benchmarks the guide provides a stepwise approach to address water conservation in your hospital.

Water Submetering in The National Orthopaedic Hospital Cappagh

Sector: Water
Format: Guide


Water Submetering in The National Orthopaedic Hospital Cappagh

Case study on the sub-metering of water and gas in Cappagh Hospital and how it helped identify leaks, save money and reduce carbon footprint

Croom Legionella Flushing Case Study

Sector: Water
Format: Guide


Croom Legionella Flushing Case Study

Case study on how, through small changes, the staff in Croom Hospital reduced the water use associated with legionella flushing saving water, money and reducing carbon emissions

Legionella Flushing Guidelines (Poster)

Sector: Water
Format: Guide


Legionella Flushing Guidelines (Poster)

This poster outlines the best practice guidelines for flushing in different locations throughout Irish hospitals and also identifies the best practice tap flow rates that can help reduce water use and the carbon emissions associated with hot water use

Green Theatre Checklist

Sector: Energy
Format: Guide


Green Theatre Checklist

A list of recommendations to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Compiled by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, the Royal College of Surgeons of England, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, and the Royal…

Green Healthcare Sustainability Posters

Sector: Recycling
Format: Guide


Green Healthcare Sustainability Posters

Spread the word and with these posters on positive climate action. There are 6 to choose from and are A3 in size.